Director Richard Kelly’s Donnie Darko (2001) is a cult movie named after the film’s protagonist who is a young man, portrayed by actor Jake Gyllenhaal, suffering from multiple personality disorder. Donnie’s vision or dreams become so vivid they begin to take a life of its own. During these episodes, he is visited by a disturbing looking but frighteningly calm skeletal face gray rabbit who Donnie calls “Frank the Bunny.” His only friend Frank knows when the world ends and tells Donnie…without spoiling the movie, the storyline takes a bit of twists and turns that reveal the mystery surrounding the characters and events in the movie. If you are shopping for the official Frank the Bunny costume from the movie Donnie Darko, you have found the right place.
Frank knows strange things in life just stand out effortlessly. That is just how things go in life. No one can resist a second glance once and stare after they spot something out of the ordinary. Even Hollywood films have dared to take on strange themes and storylines, creating cult movies such as Donnie Darko. Thanks to the cult success of this unique film, you can dress up in a Donnie Darko Halloween costume so you can relive out during Halloween one of the strangest movies ever made in Hollywood. Frank the Bunny is an iconic appearance made it easy to translate into a Halloween costume. If you may remember, this evil bunny is the one who gets Donny Darko into all sorts of trouble in the film. Frank warns Donnie his prediction of an impending end of the world scenario that will destroy everyone’s lives. Now you can recreate this moment by dressing up as this evil Donnie Darko bunny.